The game offers different dialogue choices, and options of ways to carry out your objective so i could see you playing this a couple times. there was times I really just felt I knew exactly where, and what I had to do next. You will almost feel like you’ve been here before as you start to make your way around it with ease. You have a map, but it never really feels like it’s needed as the layout is pretty easy to learn. The hotel is huge, and even though you may not be able to explore every inch of it the size of it will keep you entertained for hours. It really gives you a sense of the area, and location site. I just love the loading screens with the post cards showing the area, and the opening scene traveling there in the snow. The story takes place in Lewis and Clark County in Helena Montana. This is where, and why the mystery begins as you discover people who say Rachel Foster is alive, and still inside the hotel. The only thing is a horrible snow storm rolls in leaving her stuck there for awhile. So after the death she returns to look the place over for her lawyer before putting it up on the market. Her and her mother rushed out of there, and she never returned. She returns there with bad memories from 10 years earlier when she left it after discovering her father had an affair with a girl the same age as her named Rachel Foster. You play as a woman returning to a hotel she grew up right after the death of her father. That is probably a reference to old for some of you, but if you haven’t seen it check it out. It really gave me that “When a Stranger Calls” vibe. You may figure it out early, but you will still want to wait around to be sure. It is kind of predictable, but still intriguing. The story is entertaining, and you will enjoy it for most parts. Both voice actors did an outstanding job making you feel exactly what the story wanted you to in the moment.

It’s full of moments that made me laugh, or took me back to the time period. I was drawn in by the story, and the dialogue was so enjoyable. Even if I wasn’t scared as I would like to be playing a game like this. It took me back to “FireWatch” and how I felt about that games voice acting talent. It is a quite well delivered Mystery in my opinion. That doesn’t mean it isn’t a quality experience though. There is a few times though, and when it does they are quality scares. Unfortunately this title doesn’t do that very much. The FPS exploration of creepy places can really pull you in, and give you that uneasy feeling. The FPS exploration of creepy places can really pull you ’m always excited to see games like this released and look forward to reviewing them. ’m always excited to see games like this released and look forward to reviewing them. A story of love and death, where melancholy and nostalgia melt into a thrilling ghost tale. With his help, Nicole starts to investigate a mystery far deeper than what people in the valley thought.

As the weather unexpectedly turns for the worst, Nicole has no way to leave the large mountain lodge, and finds support in Irving, a young FEMA agent, using one of the first radio telephones ever built. With the will and determination to put that chapter behind her, she returns to the hotel with the family's lawyer to audit the decaying structure. Now that both of her parents have passed, Nicole hopes to fulfill her mother's last will to sell the hotel and make amends to Rachel's relatives. 1993 - LEWIS & CLARK COUNTY, MONTANA, US Ten years ago, teenager Nicole and her mother left the family hotel after discovering her father Leonard's affair with, and pregnancy of Rachel, a girl her own age who eventually committed suicide. Ten years ago, teenager Nicole and her mother left the family Coming back to the family hotel after years, a young woman finds herself trapped with the ghosts from her past and an old cellular telephone as the only way to unveil a terrible truth. Summary: Coming back to the family hotel after years, a young woman finds herself trapped with the ghosts from her past and an old cellular telephone as the only way to unveil a terrible truth.